
Our mission is to provide young people with the knowledge and resources they need to succeed in the world. We believe that by equipping young people with the right tools and resources, we can help them create a better world for us all.


Our vision is to create a world where young people have access to the resources and tools they need to make conscious and informed decisions that shape their future. We envision a future where young people are empowered to pursue their dreams, build the skills they need to succeed in the world, and create positive change in their communities.


Our ultimate goal is to create a community where young people feel supported and empowered to pursue their goals and make a positive impact in the world. We believe that by working together, we can make this vision a reality, and create a world where young people are empowered to create the life they want.

Welcome to FLC - a place where the future begins. Our mission is to empower the next generations to make conscious and informed decisions that shape their future. We believe that young people deserve the tools and resources they need to create the life they want, instead of struggling to unlearn old habits.

We are committed to giving young people access to opportunities that will help them achieve their goals and create a better world for us all. We believe that when young people are equipped with the right knowledge and resources, they have the power to shape the future in ways that benefit us all.

Our platform provides a variety of resources, including educational content, mentorship programs, and community support, all designed to help young people create the life they want. We believe that by connecting young people with the tools they need earlier in life, we can help them build the skills, confidence, and resilience necessary to succeed in the world.

Join us in shaping the future, today. Whether you are a young person seeking to create the life you want or an adult looking to support the next generation, we invite you to join our community. Together, we can create a brighter future for everyone.

Founder - Zishan Khan 


Re-imagining education for the next generations

Zishan Khan is a visionary entrepreneur and educator who is on a mission to revolutionize the field of education. 

After completing his education, Zishan worked for several years in the corporate world, where he quickly realized that the traditional education system was failing to equip students with the skills and knowledge they needed to succeed in the modern workforce. He saw firsthand the need for a more innovative and transformational approach to education, one that would prepare students for the complex and rapidly changing world.

Determined to make a difference, founded his own education startup. He spent years researching and developing a cutting-edge educational framework that would address the shortcomings of the traditional system and provide students with a truly transformative learning experience.

Zishan's vision and leadership have earned him numerous accolades and awards. Despite his many achievements, Zishan remains dedicated to his mission of transforming education for the next generations and continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in this exciting field.